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Greater Poverty Rush

Regions 2,3,4,5,6 - Med-Wet

$108.00Per Pound


Height: 1' - 3'
Scientific Name: Juncus anthelatus
Source: Native
Class: Rush
Growth: Perennial
Color: Green
Soils: Medium to Wet Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Spring/Summer
Sun: Part Shade
Seeds per Pound: 10,000,000
Wetland: FACW
Regions: 2,3,4,5,6

Greater Poverty Rush is a 1' to 3' tall native perennial member of the rush family. This rush and a few others are separated into differing species in what botanists refer to as the marginatus complex by minor differences that are of no consequence to the gardener or conservationist. This plant grows in full sun and part shade and is essentially a wetland species, requiring moist to wet soils. It is usually found in bogs, swamp margins, shores of streams and ponds, in ditches, and in wet fields. Except for the Upper Northeast, the native distribution covers all of the eastern US. Ducks and other waterfowl utilize the tiny seed of this rush.

Prices listed are based on pure live seed weight, not bulk weight. You are only paying for viable seed.

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  • 1
  • 99
  • 16

Bulk Pricing

1 lb: $ 108.00
1 oz: $ 10.80


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Greater Poverty Rush

Greater Poverty Rush

Region 2,3,4,5,6 - Med-Wet Soils - part shade

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