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Corn Poppy (Red)

Regions na - Dry-Med

$42.50Per Pound


Height: 1' - 2'
Scientific Name: Papaver rhoeas
Source: Introduced
Class: Forb
Growth: Annual
Color: Red
Soils: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Spring/Summer
Sun: Part Shade
Wetland: N/A
Regions: N/A

Corn Poppy is a 1' to 2' tall introduced annual whose seeds are reported to remain viable in the soil for up to 80 years. The plant features single large brilliant red flowers atop stems with downy leaves. Corn Poppy grows best in a variety of soil types and dry to medium moisture soils. It requires full sun and needs well drained soils. The brilliance of the red flowers and the interesting seed head shapes makes this plant ideal for beds and borders in the garden.

Prices listed are based on pure live seed weight, not bulk weight. You are only paying for viable seed.

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Order By Weight
Order By NumberOfPounds 
  • 1
  • 50
  • 99
  • 16

Bulk Pricing

1 lb: $ 42.50
11-50 lbs: $ 1,593.75
1 oz: $ 5.00


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Corn Poppy (Red)

Corn Poppy (Red)

Region na - Dry-Med Soils - Part Shade

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