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Indian Blanket

Regions 1,2,3,4,5,6 ex KY - Dry-Med

$43.50Per Pound


Height: 1' - 2'
Scientific Name: Gaillardia pulchella
Source: Native
Class: Forb
Growth: Annual
Color: Yellow/red
Soils: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Summer/Fall
Sun: Full Sun
Seeds per Pound: 238,000
Wetland: N/A
Regions: 1,2,3,4,5,6 ex KY

Indian Blanket is a 1' to 2' tall native annual that has become one of our most popular garden annuals. It is easily established in dry to medium, well drained soils in full sun and it thrives in dry or sandy poor soils. It will not tolerate wet soils. Indian Blanket flowers from May through August with a profusion of showy 1" wide flower heads. The rays are red at the base and are tipped with 3 yellow teeth. This annual readily reseeds and is a must for wildflower meadows. Indian Blanket is a good pollinator conservation plant. Native Americans used this plant to treat skin disorders, sore eyes, and numerous other maladies.

Prices listed are based on pure live seed weight, not bulk weight. You are only paying for viable seed.

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Order By Weight
Order By NumberOfPounds 
  • 1
  • 99
  • 16

Bulk Pricing

1 lb: $ 43.50
1 oz: $ 5.03


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Indian Blanket

Indian Blanket

Region 1,2,3,4,5,6 ex KY - Dry-Med Soils - Full Sun

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