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Wood Oats

Regions 3,4,5 - Dry-Med

$137.50Per Pound


Height: 2' - 3'
Scientific Name: Chasmanthium sessiliflorum
Source: Native
Class: Grass
Growth: Perennial
Color: Greet
Soils: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Warm Season
Sun: Part Shade
Seeds per Pound: 85,000
Wetland: FAC, FACW
Regions: 3,4,5

Due to limited stock on hand, this item is only available by contacting our office. 

Wood Oats is a 1' to 2' tall native warm season perennial grass. The 1' long leaves arch and the flowering stalk stands starkly above the leaves. This grass is usually found in pinelands, open moist mixed woods, along streams, and moist grasslands. This grass is restricted in native distribution to the southeast coastal plain states and prefers moist soils and partial shade sites. The leaves are persistent and often grow during the winter, which adds to the value of this plant for landscaping. Deer browse the grass and quail and songbirds utilize the seeds.

Prices listed are based on pure live seed weight, not bulk weight. You are only paying for viable seed.

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Wood Oats

Wood Oats

Region 3,4,5 - Dry-Med Soils - part shade

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