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Sand Lovegrass 'BEND'

Regions -

$40.00Per Pound


Height: 3' - 3.5'
Scientific Name: Eragrostis trichodes
Source: Native
Class: Grass
Growth: Perennial
Color: Green
Soils: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Warm Season
Sun: Full Sun
Seeds per Pound: 1,625,000

Sand Lovegrass, Eragrostis trichodes, is a low growing perennial warm season bunch grass that requires full sun and dry to medium soil moisture. Cattle readily graze this grass and it is a medium forage product.  The original collections for the "Bend" Cultivar came from south central Kansas and nearby Oklahoma.

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  • 1
  • 99
  • 16

Bulk Pricing

1 lb: $ 40.00
1 oz: $ 5.00


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Sand Lovegrass 'BEND'

Sand Lovegrass 'BEND'

Sand Lovegrass, Eragrostis trichodes, is a low growing perennial warm season bunch grass that requires full sun and dry to medium soil moisture.

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