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Pinehill Bluestem - Catahoula Collection

Regions -

$40.00Per Pound


Height: 3' - 4'
Scientific Name: Schizachyrium scoparium var. divergens
Source: Native
Class: Grass
Growth: Perennial
Color: Green
Soils: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture
Bloom Period: Warm Season
Sun: Part Shade
Seeds per Pound: 200,000

Pinehill Bluestem, Schizachyrium scoparium var. divergens, is an erect warm season perennial.  It grows well in fine to coarse textured soils in well-drained upland sites.  It prefers full sun sites and is drought tolerant. It grows throughout the southern coastal plain states, as far north as Indiana, and as far east as North Carolina.  It grows best in upland coastal plain states and as far north as Indiana and as far east as North Carolina.  It is an important forage grass west of the Mississippi River and in pine forests.  It is a vital component of wildlife habitat across the country.  The source for this collection comes to us from the East Texas Plant Material Center, courtesy of the US Forest Service's Southeast Texas Selection.

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1 lb: $ 40.00
1 oz: $ 5.00


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Pinehill Bluestem - Catahoula Collection

Pinehill Bluestem - Catahoula Collection

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