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Mix 195 - Non-Native Pipeline Cover Mix

Regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - All Soils

$10.08Per Pound


Sun: Full Sun
MixNumber: 195
MixRegions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Site Moisture: Dry to Medium Soil Moisture

Mix 195 (NON-NATIVE PIPELINE COVER MIX) is designed for the environmental conditions of all Regions. The amount of seed of each species in the mix has been calculated using the number of seeds per pound of each species factored by establishment parameters. Mix 195 contains 3 grass and 3 legume species.

Rate: 6.50-9.30 pounds/acre.

We recommend including a nurse crop for this mix.  For fall thru spring, we recommend 20 to 32 Pounds of OATS per acre or 2 to 4 Pounds of ANNUAL RYE per acre.  For summer, we recommend 6 to 8 Pounds of BROWN TOP MILLET per acre.

Common Name

Botanical Name


Creeping Red Fescue

Festuca rubra



Festuca arundinacea


Red Top

Agrostis alba


Ladino Clover

Trifolium repens


Bird's Foot Trefoil

Lotus corniculatus


Partridge Pea

Cassia fasciculata


**The composition of the mix shown above is subject to change without notice due to seed availability.  Substitutions are selected based on similar plant characteristics.  If the exact individual species are critical to your planting needs, please contact us to ensure that we can fill your request without substitution.**

More details

Order By Weight
Order By NumberOfPounds 
  • 1
  • 50
  • 99
  • 16

Bulk Pricing

1 lb: $ 10.08
11-50 lbs: $ 378.00
1 oz: $ 5.00


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Mix 195 - Non-Native Pipeline Cover Mix

Mix 195 - Non-Native Pipeline Cover Mix

All Regions - All Soils

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